Monday, February 3, 2014

Technology Difficulties, Resolutions and Ground Hogs

At the start of the year we promised a blog sharing our New Years resolutions.  We didn't forget! But the post we wrote and set to auto publish itself didn't post and seems to have been lost in the World Wide Web.  Forgive us for dropping the ball (see what we did there!)

So, trying this again, here are our New Years Resolutions and a chance to learn a little bit about the students at Clarkson Academy:

Lucas, age 14:  This year I resolve to read 60 books by the end of the year.  I am doing this to see how many books I can read and to challenge myself to read more instead of watching TV.  I'm going to do this by skipping TV time and reading instead.  Another resolution I made was to get more exercise, like everyone else probably.  I want to be stronger so that I can do better in Taekwondo.  So far I am doing well with my resolutions but I need to be reading more because I need to read more than one book a week in order to meet my goal.

Abigail, age 12:  I'm going to exercise more by taking more Taekwondo classes.  I am doing this so that I can be stronger.  I am going to remember to do more stretching and Taekwondo practice at home. Another resolution I have is to master multiplication because that is hard for me.  I'm going to do that by practicing a lot.  I think I'm already getting better at multiplication and I think I am getting stronger.

Zachary, age 8:  One of my resolutions is to help with more house chores.  I am doing this because I want to help my family more and have more time for fun.  If I have more time for fun I'm going to play games like Pandemic. I think I'm doing more to help and my room is cleaner.

William, age 7:  My resolution is to learn to read so I don't always have to ask how to do stuff and so I can read all the good stories that are out there without waiting for someone to help me.   I am doing really well!  I have already mastered lots of sight words and learned to sound things out better.

Mom:  I am continually resolving to be more organized.  I'm continually failing at that resolution.  Life is ever hectic here and the amount of time it takes to feed, organize, dress, maintain and education 6 humans is all consuming.  So instead I am resolving to be more at peace with my chaos.  I resolve to care less if someone comes over and finds my house a mess.  I resolve to not get worked up when assignments do not get completed as quickly as I want.  I resolve to go on more field trips because those hands on experiences are so valuable.  I resolve that we will play lots more board games and go on more walks.  So far I can say I am doing my best and I getting there.

Yesterday the Ground Hog saw his shadow and predicted more weeks of winter.  We discussed the history of this tradition and celebrated the silliness in this.  If you have not ever looked into this fun little holiday, I recommend you do.   Its just fun.  Clarkson Academy is ready for more winter.